A new healthy weight campaign – “We can do this!”

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A new healthy weight campaign “We can do this!” encouraging adults in Norfolk to follow a healthier diet and find out how to achieve a healthy weight, has launched.

As part of the support to help people eat more healthily and lose weight, Norfolk County Council’s commissioned partners Slimming World and Your Health Norfolk are offering free in-person group support sessions over 12 weeks to help you make gradual changes towards a healthy lifestyle.

Obesity rates in some regions of Norfolk are higher than the national average and approximately two thirds of adults living in Norfolk are classed as overweight or obese.

Being overweight is a risk factor for many diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer and heart disease.

People wanting to eat more healthily and manage their weight are invited to visit www.norfolk.gov.uk/wecandothis to check if they are eligible to receive free sessions.

For those people not meeting the eligibility criteria there’s lots of other useful tools, tips and support available through our Ready to Change site. You can take a quiz, get tips on how to make the changes you need, set your own goals and eating plans with Ready to Change.